Hi Amy,
Oscar had a “photo session” today so I thought I would send you more pictures. He was so small when we got him, but he is a growing boy at 9 pounds now. Who knows what he’ll be by the time his 1st birthday rolls around on August 5th.
Oscar is a gorgeous cat and so full of personality. One of his favorite things is looking for stuff on every desk or table that he can push to the floor. He has to make more room for himself to sit. His favorite toy is a curled up piece of Velcro that he carries around in his mouth and then throws up in the air. He continues to give the rest of the cat family a hard time by sneaking up on them, taking a hop (just like a bunny) and landing on their back.
As I said before, he fits like a glove into our family, both cats and humans. We are so blessed to have these furry family members in our lives.
Thanks again for being the best “Cat Mama”.

Hi Amy. I just want to give you an update on Chaucer (aka Maxwell). He has brought so much joy in my home. He’s such a sweet, loving boy. I call him “my ragdoll”because I can place him in my lap, flip him on his back, and brush his belly. He just purrs and goes to sleep. He isn’t 100% comfortable with a bath/blowdry however he’s never tried to bite me once. My other kitty is still getting of course he doesn’t understand. He thinks everyone should love him . I have an appointment to get him neutered in 2 weeks so I’ll let you know when I do. I just wanted to reach out now and send a couple of pics. Thanks for my new family member!

Hi Amy,
Oscar has been neutered and I have attached the letter from my vet. He did extremely well, but not me. I hated having to leave him and it was so lonely without him at home. Even my other cats were walking around like something just wasn’t right. He has fit into our human and cat family like a glove. He loves to give Elvis (aka Chester) a hard time and takes a running leap to jump on his back and wrap his paws around his neck. Then they chase each other through the house.
I am sending several pictures so you can see how well he’s doing. My granddaughter Mila has had a wonderful experience bonding with Oscar. I don’t know how you do what you do, I would want to keep every kitten, but I’m so glad that you do. We feel so blessed to have both Elvis and Oscar. Thank you for being such a wonderful “Cat Mama”.
Again, thank you so much!

A quick note to thank you for raising wonderful cats. Duchess has been with us for a month and she’s fit into our lives so easily. She’s a fun, sweet & loving ball of energy. We had about 2 weeks of hissing, growling & stalking, almost all from our 4 year old calm Persian cat, Poppy, who turned into Mean Girl. Duchess stopped after about 2 days of it. She would just lay down, relaxed, wash her face (I’m very nice & I’m staying!). There were never paws raised or fights for food/litter box time. The past 10 days we’ve had some nose bumps, races down halls & stairs. Duchess already has her favorite spaces for naps. She lets me brush her daily, no fuss. Your kitten clients are all lucky people. We’re glad we found Duchess.
Susan E.

Hi Amy,
Leo is growing perfectly and is strong and healthy. And he has a really fun personality, both playful, and sweet. I will send a few photos a little later. Life is good!

Hi Amy,
Here are Frankie 9 in April, and Mia, 3 last September.
Nan H.

Hello Amy,
Yesterday was the 9-year anniversary of picking up our kitten at the Seattle airport! The first time we opened the carrier door and she looked at us-- that face -- she still makes it. We love Zuzu so much. ❤️

Hi Amy, I just wanted to give you a big thank you and let you know how absolutely in love we are with our babies. Izzy will be one on October 26th (parents Marco and Goldie). She is an absolute dream and we truly couldn’t love her more. Our newest addition, Winnie is 10 weeks (parents Jinx and Mercedes) and is seriously the sweetest and happiest (with a little prissiness) kitty I’ve ever seen. It has been so fun seeing them together. I can’t imagine my life without them!! Thank you again. We will be back (as soon as my husband lets me) 😜

It’s been a while since I’ve communicated with you. I want to tell you again how great it has been to have Elvis (Chester) as part of our family. He continues to be full of himself, happy, healthy, and the sweetest cat you could want. Below are a couple pictures.
Judy G

After 2 weeks settled into their new home, the kittens are doing great. The girl is now Cassidy and the boy is Cooper. Cooper quickly got the nickname Mini-cooper, then when he walked on Poop...became Mini-pooper. A friend said they were so light and puffy, they should be Sugar Puff and Cream Puff. They love to play and Love Thumper. I'll hear purrs that indicate one is trying to cuddle with the old guy. Anyway, Thanks a bunch, and I hope you and yours have a great New Year!
John S- Niceville, FL

Hi Amy! She did fantastic! She has already eaten this morning and used the litter box!! I was so excited! She seems to be doing really well. Here’s a pic of her this morning. You have made me one happy client!
Thank you so much!
Ann H of Naples, FL

Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to send you some updated photos of
13 month old "Hammy"- Alexander Hamilton ("Alexander" Tressa & Prince Harry) and 9 month old "Tommy"- Thomas Jefferson ("Tucker" Sugar & Prince Harry). They are such a joy and we are so thankful for them. Hammy is a giant fluffy boy- his marking are gorgeous with a mix of greys, dark black, white and even some orange with piercing yellow green eyes. He is a little cautious but loves to play and find me for pets when things are quiet and its just me and him. Tommy is the sweetest most cuddly baby, smaller stature than his brother with orange, cream and white and his eyes are so amazing like an amber color. They both follow us around the house and cry if outside a closed door, they want to be right where we are sitting on anything between us- laptops, books, etc. They are always together doing crazy funny things keeping us entertained. We love them so much!
Allison F

Hi Amy,
Thought you would like to see how beautiful Kitt is.
Cynthia Cooper

Yes, we bought new recliners to match is lovely eyes..........here’s Rhett at 7 mos. old & 6.5 lbs! Beginning to think I should have gotten a 3rd recliner so he could
have his own! He’s not much on sharing!

Hi Amy,
Here is Zuzu's birthday photo from last year (2 yrs old). She is a couple of ounces over 7 lbs now and sweet, confident, and outgoing. We love her so much, she's our little queen. I totally regret not taking one of her siblings from her litter when I had the chance.
I think we might talk to you about the litter you expect from Freedom and Hank next year if they will be more doll-faced kitties. A boy for sure. I really do think Freedom is Zuzu's mama but I'll check the papers. Half siblings would be good, right?
Thanks again,

Hi Amy! Just thought I’d share a few pics of “Faith” aka Jasmine! She’s getting big! So sweet and super sassy!! We all just love her❤️

"Leeza" is pawsitively the sweetest kitten! 3.5 months ~ Nov 8, 2020 ~ CreamTabby. Best wishes!

"Darla" is the friendliest kitten and is
purrfectly happy with little sister
Leeza in our family now!
7 months ~ Nov 29, 2020 ~ Silver
Patched Tabby

Celebrating 5 lbs! (No, not allowed to drink any!) Later gator!

Hi Amy! Here is Isabella 11 years old!

Hi Amy! Here is Olivia at 11 years old!

Hi Amy.
Just wanted to send some pics of the kittens (Zeus
and Sophia). They are 5 lbs now and really close.

July 5, 2020 ~ Happy, healthy,
smart, beautiful & spoiled!

Just wanted to let you know that Percy
is doing well. He is a bundle of playful
energy and has acclimated to our
home well.
Thank you

We thought you might like to see what a beauty Misty has become.
1 year old today. She is quite a big girl - 9 lbs and the longest and widest
tail I’ve ever seen on a cat. Note the paws. This is how she lays, lounges,
most of the time.
Russ & Liz Watson

Happy 1 yr old birthday to Miss Fiona in Sarasota. She is standing in our elephant bowl. When she was smaller she slept in the bowl. Now she can only reminisce about sleeping in it.

Hi Amy! Since we are in isolation I have a moment to email you finally! Just wanted to let you know we are So in love with our little Ollie and he is best of friends with our other cat Joe. He's getting big and is the sweetest, playful and adorable and makes us laugh every day. Thank you, we are so happy we got him.
Sally J

Hello Amy,
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share with you some pictures of Simba and Pelusa. They are now one year seven months!! Or so. I love them. Both with very different personalities.
Hope you like them.

Mia is growing up beautifully. Once the size of a beanie baby, she is now snuggling up to Grumpy Cat.

Here is Fiona now almost ten months old. Beautiful, bad and big. She weighs 10 lbs. Her fur is gorgeous and luxuriant. She has a large mane. We absolutely love her. Cheers!

Hi Amy,
It’s been a while, hope you are doing well. Wanted to share a picture with you of our beautiful boys. This was Serena and Hanks litter of two males in 2017. We love them so much and they are the best of buddies. Smith loves to hide in boxes and bags, we call him the “bag boy” and climb the Christmas tree. Wesson likes to cuddle and sleep with guests in the guest bedroom, we call him our “cuddle bug”.

Amy, Just sending a one year update of our baby girl. She has turned into quite the beauty, is such a sweetheart and quite the character. At 9 months I turned around to find her on top of the upper kitchen cabinets! She has Dennis wrapped around her paw, LOL. While she and Diego don't cuddle, they play like crazy and I often find them on the bed together. Good progress for their first year. But Pippa has decided that our dog Musso is all hers. She waits and watches at the door for him when he goes outside. I am so thankful you do what you do. My life is so much better with kitties in it.

Amy, This is Darla ( nickname D.D.) at her first Christmas with a bear friend (she is now four months). Here is the second photo of Darla with her new "big brother" (Martin is an eight year old Bombay feral boy that we brought in seven years ago). He and D.D. like to "cuddle" on the couch ( both are "fixed") for warmth.

Hi Amy, Letting you know that “Duchess” is doing great. She is becoming a beautiful cat and is so sweet!
Darlene & Shawn

Wanted to send you some new updated pictures of Giani! He's doing great, we love our baby boy and he's so playful! Last picture is him during a big yawn :)

Amy, A little update. They play and tussle and chase each other around....but tonight I walked in and found them lounging on the bed together...no roughhousing involve. Pippa is 5 months old now and the sweetest, affection baby I could have wished for. She sleeps on the bed and has to be touching either me or Dennis. She runs to the door to greet us when we get home and comes bounding into the room whenever you call her name. She is quite the athlete. She wants to climb and leap to the highest level she can see. I walked in one day and found her hanging from the center of the window frame where the lock is! LOL Getting good shots of her can be challenging with her charcoal coloring and gray/green eyes but trust me she is beautiful and so far that thick triple coat is silky and easy to comb (thank goodness). Diego makes a good big brother and is still a mama's boy even if he is a bit of a loner. Updated shot included.
Thanks again for such beautiful babies.

I just wanted to thank you for an absolutely great kitten! He is so fun and friendly (to everyone!). I love his personality. A couple of pictures of Sinatra.

Amy, I told you Kiwi was going RVing with us to Maine and Nova Scotia after I retired. Well here he is in his kitty condo enjoying time outside (sort of) with Mom and Dad in Bar Harbor Maine. He is glad as we are to be here for a while and not be on the road although he did very well. He typically just curls up where he can see me and the dogs, then sleeps.

Hi Amy, I couldn't resist to send you a pic of our little doll. This happens to be my favorite pic of her. She is doing so well and we can't thank you enough for our little doll. Chase and Mary Sue and our little mademoiselle Zoe.
Chase & Mary Sue

Newman is my sweetheart! Born Oct 6 2017 ! The blue eyes melt everyone’s hearts! Amy Green guided me through the adoption process with love and understanding, talked to me constantly on the phone and I recommend her to everyone!

Hi Amy,
I know it's been a while but we just wanted you to know that Echo is doing great! She has become such a sweet girl and she loves her brother Snickers. She'll grab him and lick him all over his head....lol. He doesn't know what to think about her sometimes. She loves our balcony and will sit in the rocking chair out there for a long time. She also loves our space heater that we used for our other Himalayan that passed away. She'll curl up next to it when it's on and go to sleep. She also loves bags and she has her own basket that she naps in. She has really become a wonderful member of our family. We love her so much. Thank you again for letting us be her parents. I'm attaching some pictures.
Bryan & Liz

Carter is awesome! Hope all is well with you! He & Bear are almost always right near us! Actually, he is Ro's shadow. Have a super day!

Hi Amy, I just wanted to send you an updated picture of not so little chewie. He is the best and we absolutely adore him!

Amy, Hope you are doing well. Thank you for keeping me on your mailing list. We have a beautiful geriatric Persian girl who would be stressed by a kitten, however once Frankie is an only fur child, we will be looking for a sister for him. He is doing quite well and is a hit with everyone. Frankie's mustache and personality make him a favorite even with "dog people".

Hi Amy, here are a few pictures of "Grey"... she is the love of my life! The most loving, Hope all is well.